The experienced members on our Board oversee our super fund, working to give you the best returns and ensuring your future financial security.

The sole purpose of ElectricSuper is to provide financial superannuation benefits to members. The Board is appointed to ensure that ElectricSuper fulfils this purpose and is properly administered in accordance with the ElectricSuper Rules.

All Board Members are required to manage ElectricSuper in accordance with the Trust Deed and ElectricSuper Rules and in the best interests of members and beneficiaries.

The Board and all ElectricSuper employees abide by the ElectricSuper Code of Conduct and we operate under a Values Statement. The Board also has a Fit and Proper Policy in place.

Our Board

The Board is made up of 9 members. Four members are appointed by employers. Two members are elected by ElectricSuper members. Two members are appointed by the United Trades and Labor Council of SA. The ninth member is an independent chairman appointed by the 8 other Board members. Of the members appointed by employers, there must be at least one man and one woman. The 2 members elected by ElectricSuper members must also be a man and a woman.

Peter Siebels

Peter assumed the Chair role in March 2015. Prior to becoming a professional Director, he worked with KPMG for over 30 years and held a number of senior roles there including being a member of KPMG’s National Executive Committee and National Board. He was also State Chairman of KPMG in SA for 8 years.

An experienced Director, Peter currently sits on the board of the RAA, RAA Insurance, AML 3D Limited, and also a number of successful private companies. He formerly sat on the Boards of the State Theatre Company, Business SA, St Anns College and the Walford Anglican School for Girls.

Patrick Makinson

Patrick is a Chartered Accountant with an MBA from the University of Adelaide. Patrick is Company Secretary at SA Power Networks where, for more than the past 20 years, he has worked predominantly in senior manager positions within Finance and Regulation. Prior to this Patrick had several years’ experience working for large Chartered Accountant consultancy firms.

Patrick is also Chair of the ElectricSuper Investment Committee and a member of the ElectricSuper Future Committee.

Janette Bettcher

Janette Bettcher is one of the Board’s 2 member-elected Board Members. She has 40 years’ experience in the electricity industry, specialising in IT regulatory submission development, strategy development, project management and business systems implementation. She previously worked as a Senior Information Technology Manager within SA Power Networks.

Janette has a Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences majoring in Computer Science, is a member of the AICD and a certified ASFA AIF.

She is Chair of the ElectricSuper Future Committee and also serves on the ElectricSuper Investment Committee.

Paul Wight

Paul Wight has a BA (Accountancy) from the South Australian Institute of Technology (now known as Uni SA). Paul has over 20 years of experience in the electricity industry working in the finance area at Torrens Island Power Station. Recently retired, he spent the last 15 years of his employment with AGL.

Prior to that he had almost 20 years’ experience within the Oil Industry working in accounting related roles across the manufacturing, sales, credit, customer service and distribution businesses.

Paul also serves on the ElectricSuper Nominations Committee as Chair.

Mark Vincent

Mark Vincent is a member elected Board Member and has served on the Board since 2011. He is currently employed by SA Power Networks as their Manager of Network Investment Strategy.

With over 25 years’ experience in the electricity industry, Mark has undertaken a broad range of roles including trade based work, engineering, project management, development of regulatory proposals and business strategy. Mark also serves as Chair of the ElectricSuper Corporate Governance Committee.

Sophie Holdstock

Sophie Holdstock joined ElectraNet in 2018.  She is Executive People and Safety providing strategic leadership to ensure that ElectraNet has the capability, systems, and process to proactively mitigate risk and maintain business resilience.  Sophie has a strong history in human resources, having worked in the field for more than 20 years specialising in strategy, design, development and implementation of business, HR and organisational development solutions to enhance individual and organisational performance.

Sophie is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, has a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts (Honours in Psychology) and is a registered and endorsed organisational psychologist.

Sophie serves on ElectricSuper’s Nominations Committee and ElectricSuper’s Future Committee.

Scott Cowen

Scott Cowen joined the ASU SA & NT Branch in January 2015 and was elected Assistant Secretary in April 2018. He has 10 years’ experience in the South Australian Union Movement. As Assistant Secretary, Scott has primary responsibility for the industrial coordination of the ASU and regularly attends the South Australian Employment Tribunal and Fair Work Commission.

In his current role, Scott has led the work of the ASU with major employers in the SA energy sector and was nominated by the Union to fill the position of ElectricSuper board member in November 2019.

Scott is a member of the ASU SA & NT Branch Executive and the ASU National Executive.

Scott also serves on the ElectricSuper Corporate Governance Committee and the ElectricSuper Future Committee.

John Adley

John is the elected Secretary of the Communications Electrical and Plumbing Union, Electrical Energy and Services Division – SA Branch.

John became a CEPU SA official in 2007 and has represented CEPU members across a broad range of industries including members working in the South Australian electricity generation, transmission and distribution sectors.

John also serves as a board member for:

  • PEER a not-for-profit Group Training Scheme and Registered Training Organisation that provides training in the electrical and plumbing trades.
  • SA Building Industry Redundancy Scheme Trust (BIRST)
  • Portable Long Service Board

John also serves on the ElectricSuper Investment Committee.

Patrick McAvaney

Patrick has been with the South Australian public sector for over 20 years, and has held numerous roles primarily within the Department of Treasury and Finance.

In 2013 he joined the South Australian public sector superannuation fund, Super SA, as Director of Policy and Governance. At Super SA he has overseen numerous areas of the business including finance; compliance and risk management; dispute resolution; and governance and board support.

Patrick has an Honours Degree in Economics and is currently a member of the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustee’s Policy and Governance Committee.

Patrick serves on the ElectricSuper Corporate Governance Committee.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee oversees ElectricSuper’s investments, including the asset allocation and individual investment managers. The Committee provides advice to the Board on any changes that it considers necessary

Corporate Governance Committee

This committee makes sure we have all the right controls and procedures in place, as well as reviewing ElectricSuper’s compliance with all regulations.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee is responsible for ensuring the Board has an effective skill set and composition to adequately discharge its responsibilities and duties.

View the Nominations Committee Charter

Future Committee

The Future Committee oversees all matters that allow ElectricSuper to stay agile and to continue to deliver the best possible outcomes for members in the longer term.

Retirement Income Strategy

The Board has a Retirement Income Strategy in place.

Identifying the needs of our members as they approach retirement, when they retire and their life in retirement is very important.

The needs, beliefs and expectations of members approaching retirement are often different to those of members already in retirement and all members are individuals with their own goals.

What our members say

“I gained a better understanding of my current superannuation position, other superannuation products available to me & general retirement options.”

About us

We are a not-for-profit industry superannuation scheme for employees in the electricity supply industry and their spouses. Find out more about us and meet the people running our organisation, working to give you the best possible returns.

Learn more

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