We’ve got an ever-growing collection of quick videos to help you navigate your super.


Super basics

Getting started

Are you on track?

Preparing for Retirement

When you’ve retired

Aged care

How To Guides

Super basics

Growing your super is easy when you understand a bit about how super works.

Investing in your future

Find out about risk and reward and how these two factors influence your super outcomes.

(2:43 minutes)

Meet our Team

Meet our Member Services team and find out how we can help you with your super.

(1:48 minutes)

Welcome to ElectricSuper

Find out about what we offer and how we can help you with your super plans.

(51 seconds)

What is super?

Learn what super is for and what it can do for you.

(2:02 minutes)

How is your super tracking?

Learn a little more about the importance of preparation to get your super in shape.

(50 seconds)

Insurance in Super

Introductory information about the kinds of insurance that you may have through your ElectricSuper account

(2:53 minutes)

The projection calculator

Learn more about what you can discover using the online projection calculator.

(1:04 minutes)

Getting started

If you’re new to ElectricSuper or new to the workforce, there are some basics about super you should know so you can make the most informed decisions.

How much super do I need at retirement?

Some tips and tricks to boost your super now.

(1:20 minutes)

Am I in the right investment option?

Learn about the importance of choosing an investment option that suits you.

(1:20 minutes)

First Home Super Saver Scheme

The government allows first home buyers to use their super as a vehicle to save for a home deposit. Find out more.

(2:48 minutes)

Putting extra in to your super when you're starting out

Find out what difference a small contribution at the start of your working life could make for your retirement.

(1:53 minutes)

Swapping 1 coffee for your future

We fact check if putting the cost of your daily cup of coffee into your super makes a difference at retirement.

(1:08 minutes)

How much can I put into my super?

There are limits to the amount you and your employer can contribute to your super each year. Find out more about the limit for this year.

(1:52 minutes)

Does delaying make a difference?

What kind of difference can putting money into your super earlier make? Find out in this video.

(2:50 minutes)

From HELP debt to homeowner

Find out about using your super to save for a home.

(2:00 minutes)

Are you on track?

It’s good to check in now and again to make sure your super is tracking for the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Voluntary contributions

Salary sacrifice or after tax contributions? What difference do they make?

(2:01 minutes)

How much can I put into my super?

There are limits to what you can put into your super each year. Find out about one of the caps for this year here.

(1:52 minutes)

Combining super accounts

See a case study on the difference it can make to combine all your super into one account.

(2:09 minutes)

Who gets my super if I die?

Learn how to nominate to have a say in who will receive your super if you die.

(1:35 minutes)

What are the Transfer Balance and Total Super Balance caps?

Two different caps could impact on your super, both before retirement and when you come to retire.

(1:49 minutes)

Claiming a tax deduction

Certain contributions may be tax deductible. Our video gives you the details.

(57 seconds)

For renters: When "not enough" might be enough

Find out more about what impact renting and a modest super balance can have on life in retirement.

(2:07 minutes)

For homeowners: When "not enough" might be enough

See what having a smaller super balance at retirement may mean for your lifestyle once you’ve retired.

(2:02 minutes)

A late start to super

If you moved to Australia after your working life started, you might have opened your super account later in life than others. Find out more about different ways to catch up.

(2:35 minutes)

Spouse accounts

Spouses of ElectricSuper members have access to open an ElectricSuper Spouse Account of their own.

(1:00 minutes)

Preparing for Retirement

As you get closer to retirement, there’s a lot to think about. Our videos are designed to help simplify things for you.

Transition to Retirement

What is Transition to Retirement and how does it work?

(1:13 minutes)

Recontribution Strategies explained

Depending on your age and situation, recontribution could be an option to help you make more of your super.

(2:27 minutes)

Leaving your super to your adult children or other non-tax dependants

Minimise the tax your adult children or others pay if they inherit your super

(1:32 minutes)

A mortgage at retirement

Reaching retirement with a mortgage isn’t unusual. Our video has a few examples that might start you thinking.

(3:16 minutes)

Retirement is about more than money

Get some tips about spending time in retirement – how are you going to spend your time?

(2:41 minutes)

Contributions over 60

Changes were made to downsizer contributions (if you sell your home) on 1 January 2023 and to the work test on 1 July 2022 which may impact you if you are over 60.

(2:07 minutes)

The rules around accessing your super

There are various rules that apply around when and how you can access your super at retirement (or at retirement age).

(5:00 minutes)

Planning for aged care at retirement

There is a lot to think about at retirement – getting more information about potential future costs of aged care can help you make good decisions now, when it’s still decades away.

(4:29 minutes)

When you're retired

Once you are retired, there are still choices and options available for you and your super.

Taking lump sums from an income stream: if you have a larger balance

See some examples of what happens if you access lump sums from your income stream, if you had a larger starting balance.

(3:24 minutes)

Taking lump sums from an income stream: if you have a moderate balance

See some examples of what happens if you access lump sums from your income stream, if you had a moderate starting balance.

(3:19 minutes)

Reversionary beneficiary

Find out what a reversionary beneficiary is and what it might mean if you want your spouse to inherit your super money

(1:43 minutes)

Investing in retirement

Some things to help you consider if you’re in the best investment option for you.

(1:16 minutes)

Money in super after you've retired

It may be possible to put money into super even after you’ve started claiming your benefit.

(2:10 minutes)

Covering medical expenses using an Income Stream

You may be able to use your Income Stream if you need to pay for medical expenses.

(2:23 minutes)

Aged care

To help you in the next step in the journey, either for you or your parents or others, we’ve put together a few quick videos to provide basic information.

Aged care

Find out the different care options that may be available.

(1:26 minutes)

Costs of an aged care home

Learn some quick facts about the costs of aged care homes and where to find more resources.

(2:45 minutes)

Getting care in your home

Services in your own home may help you stay at home for longer. Find out more.

(1:36 minutes)

How To Guides

There is so much you can do online in the secure member portal. Our videos will help guide you, step-by-step.

Change investment options

Division 5 (Accumulation) and Income Stream members can change their investment options online.

(50 seconds)

Change your pension payment

Income Stream members can change the amount and frequency of their regular pension payments online.

(38 seconds)

Make a lump sum withdrawal from your pension

Retirement Income Stream members can make a lump sum withdrawal from their Income Stream account online.

(35 seconds)

Rollover from another fund (using the portal)

See how to roll super over from another fund into ElectricSuper using the online portal.

(56 seconds)

Rollover from another fund (using the myGov)

See how to roll super over from another fund into ElectricSuper using the online portal and myGov.

(58 seconds)

How to make or change contributions (for defined benefit members)

Learn how to use the form to make or change your compulsory or voluntary contributions – for defined benefit members.

(1:04 minutes)

How to make or change contributions (for accumulation members)

Learn how to use the form to make or change your voluntary contributions – for accumulation members.

(44 seconds)

Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.