Retirement booklet

Our Preparing for Retirement booklet covers every aspect of retirement.

Have a read to learn more about all aspects of planning for your retirement, including the different ways you can access your super money as a regular income in retirement.


What is an Income Stream?

Find out what an ‘income stream’ actually is and how it works

See your super

Use our calculator to see how your super will last through your retirement. You can adjust variables, like your annual income in retirement, or your age at retirement to see what difference this could make for you.

Use the calculator

Transition to Retirement

Depending on your situation, you may use an income stream to support you financially as you transition into retirement. Watch our video to learn more about transition to retirement.

(1:03 minutes)

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Lifetime transfer balance cap (2023/24)

The Federal Government sets an upper limit on the amount you can move into the retirement phase of super.

(1:55 minutes)

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Retirement questions

If you’re considering retirement, you probably have a lot of questions. See if our quick questions below help answer your queries.

  1. Can I retire before I’m 60?
  2. Do I have to take my pension/super as soon as I retire?
  3. How do I set up an Income Stream?
Get the answers

When can you get your super?

What are the rules for getting your super?

There are several different conditions that could allow you to access your super. Find out more in our video.

(5:00 minutes)

Want to read more?

If videos aren’t your thing, you can read more about some of the conditions that may allow you to access your super.

Read more

Your investment choice in retirement

You have the flexibility of making a choice for your investments in your Income Stream when you retire.

(1:15 minutes)

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Who gets your super if you die?

You might be surprised to discover that your super might not be automatically paid to the person you expect if you die. It might not go automatically to your spouse, nor even to your estate.

However, you can nominate who you want to receive your super if you die. It could give you and your loved ones some piece of mind.

What is a reversionary beneficiary?

You may choose to nominate your spouse to receive your regular ongoing pension payments if you die. Watch our video to learn more.

(1:42 minutes)

Learn more

Want to nominate a different beneficiary?

If you don’t have someone to nominate as your reversionary beneficiary, you can nominate others to receive your super or pension balance as a lump sum. Watch our video for more.

(1:35 minutes)

Learn more

Accessing lump sums from your income stream in retirement

If you have a larger starting balance

See a couple of examples on the effect of taking lump sums out of your income stream if you have a larger starting balance.

(2:39 minutes)

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If you have a moderate starting balance

See a couple of examples on the effect of taking lump sums out of your income stream if you have a moderate starting balance.

(2:50 minutes)

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Retiring with a mortgage

If you are retiring and still owe money on your home, you may choose to use some of your super to pay the mortgage. Watch our video for some examples.

(2:39 minutes)

Forms, resources and page links

Here are some of the forms and other resources that might be useful when looking to access your super

Want to access our other forms, pages and calculators? See the Resources/Forms page.

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