Change your contribution rates

As a Defined Benefit member in one of these schemes:

  • Division 2 (Lump Sum Scheme)
  • Division 3 (Pension Scheme)
  • Division 4 (RG Scheme)

you are expected to make contributions to your super.

You can contribute at a rate that suits you best, but you need to achieve a set average rate of contributions over your working life to receive the maximum entitlement.

If you want to change your rate (either your compulsory contributions or your voluntary contributions – or both!), complete this form and send the pdf to your payroll team for action.

Get the form

Special Defined Benefit Information

A defined benefit with ElectricSuper has special conditions that apply when compared to a standard accumulation-style super account.

The pages below help explain some of those differences.

Before age 55

You have the option to keep your super with ElectricSuper, even if you leave your electricity employer before age 55. This form gives you the options to take action.

Under 55?

Who gets your super if you die?

Even though you have a defined benefit account which may dictate who receives the employer portion of your super if you die, you can still nominate who you’d like to receive any voluntary contributions you’ve made. Watch our video to learn more.

(1:35 minutes)

Watch now

Preparing for retirement?

If you are heading towards retirement, there are some steps you can consider before you get to retirement age. Putting steps in place now can make sure you’re prepared when you do come to retire.

Forms and page links

Here are the member booklets that give you more information about your scheme.

Want to access our other forms, pages and calculators? See the Resources/Forms page.

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