What cover do you have?


If you joined ElectricSuper when you started with your electricity industry employer and you are under 60 years old, you were likely provided with Death, TPD and Disability Income Benefit (also known as income protection) cover as part of your ElectricSuper account. Some exceptions and exclusions apply.


You need to have joined ElectricSuper within 120 days of starting your employment to be auto-accepted for insurance cover. If you join ElectricSuper more than 120 days after starting your employment, you will need to complete a Health Questionnaire and be underwritten before insurance may be provided.

Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) cover

The amount of your Death and TPD cover is calculated using a formula which uses a percentage of your superable salary and the number of months until you reach age 60.

The formula is:

Insurance benefit = salary x selected insurance percentage x (months to age 60/12)

The percentage used in the formula is 15% by default. This is known as “Level 2” insurance. You can choose a different percentage in the formula if you wish by applying for and being approved for a different “Level” of insurance. You can see the different levels and percentages in the table below.

So, the default “Level 2” of cover would be = your salary x 15% x (months to age 60/12).

If you had opted to increase your cover to “Level 9”, your level of cover would be = your salary x 50% (that is, the percentage for Level 9) x (months to age 60/12).

See the table below for the percentages for each level.

For example, Tom turned 35 yesterday and is on a salary of $100,000 per annum. He chooses Level 4 cover (which uses 25% of superable salary). The death and TPD cover provided for Tom is calculated as $100,000 x 25% x (300/12) = $625,000.

Disability Income Benefit (income protection) cover

Disability Income Benefit, which replaces part of your salary if you temporarily can’t work due to illness or injury (subject to conditions) is provided to members under 60 years old. Some exceptions and conditions apply.

This benefit provides you with a fortnightly payment of up to two-thirds of your salary for up to 12 months (or 18 months in special circumstances approved by the Board).

The cost of Disability Income Benefit cover is included with the premium for your Death and TPD insurance.

More information is below about Disability Income (income protection) cover, including conditions that apply and how to claim.


Levels of cover and costs of Death and TPD cover


Levels of cover

The levels of cover for Death and TPD are available as follows:

Level Insurance Percentage
Level 1 9%
Level 2 15% (default)
Level 3 20%
Level 4 25%
Level 5 30%
Level 6 35%
Level 7 40%
Level 8 45%
Level 9 50%


Costs of cover

The cost of Death, TPD and Disability Income (income protection) benefit is combined into one premium and deducted from your super account. The cost is a percentage of your salary as follows:

Level Percentage of Salary
Level 1 0.3%
Level 2 0.5%
Level 3 0.65%
Level 4 0.83%
Level 5 1.00%
Level 6 1.16%
Level 7 1.33%
Level 8 1.50%
Level 9 1.66%


Changing your Death and TPD cover


If the default Level 2 cover isn’t the right amount of cover for your needs, you can apply for a different level of cover, or cancel your cover altogether.

You need to consider what expenses you would have if you were permanently injured and could not work again, or what your family would need to cover their needs if you died.

To check if your current insurance is enough, visit www.moneysmart.gov.au/how-life-insurance-works.

If you want to increase your level of Death and TPD cover, you will generally need to provide us with health information.

Once we have received your application form, we will be in touch with you to advise what information we need. It will usually include getting some information from your doctor.

To apply to change your Death and TPD cover, including cancelling it, complete and lodge the ‘Adjusting Your Insurance Cover’ form.

Depending on the health information you provide, exclusions or limitations may be placed on the new amount of insurance. We will write to you to let you know when your insurance is accepted and any limitations that apply.

If you cancel your insurance and wish to reapply for cover later, you will be asked to provide current health information at that time.

If you apply to change your level of cover, you will be covered at your new level only once your application is accepted and approved by the Board (or insurer). If you die as a result of an accident while your application is being assessed, you will be covered for the higher level of cover.



Changing your Death and TPD cover without health information


To make your life easier, there are circumstances where you can apply for insurance without having to provide additional health information.

New members: If you joined the Accumulation Scheme in the last 6 months, you can increase your cover to Level 3 (where 20% is used in the formula) or Level 4 (where 25% is used in the formula) without providing health information. Complete the ‘Adjusting Your Insurance Cover’ form.

Life events: You can increase your cover by one level without providing health information within 12 months of any of these special life events occurring:

  • You get married
  • You have a child (including by adoption)
  • You take out a mortgage or increase your mortgage
  • You turn 30 years old
  • You turn 50 years old

Complete the Increase Insurance – Life Event form to increase your insurance within 12 months of one of these life events.



Applying for Death, TPD and Disability Income Benefit cover


If you are not automatically provided with Death, TPD cover and Disability Income Benefit cover, such as if you join ElectricSuper more than 120 days after starting employment with your Participating Employer, you will need to apply for insurance cover.

This will include completing a Health Questionnaire and you will need to be underwritten before insurance may be provided.

Please contact us at inquiries@electricsuper.com.au for more information.



Cancelling your Death Cover and TPD Cover


If you cancel your Death and TPD Cover, this will also cancel your Disability Income Benefit Insurance.

If you then wish to re-apply for cover at a later time, you will need to provide health evidence and be underwritten before any cover is available.



More information about Death Cover and TPD Cover


If you die (or are diagnosed with a terminal illness) while a member of Division 5, a benefit may be payable of:

  1. Your account balance, and
  2. Any insurance benefit (to age 60)

If you are eligible for a total and permanent disablement benefit, you may receive a benefit of:

  1. Your account balance, and
  2. Any insurance benefit (to age 60)

Members under the age of 60 have the choice of 9 levels of death and TPD cover. If you do not choose a level of cover and are eligible to be provided with insurance cover, you will automatically be provided with Level 2 cover.

You can nominate which of your dependants you wish to receive your benefit in the event of your death by completing a Binding Death Benefit Nomination form. You can find more information about this on the Beneficiaries page.

To make a TPD or Death claim please email us at inquiries@electricsuper.com.au.


More information about Disability Income Benefit Cover


This benefit provides you with up to 2/3 of your salary for up to 12 months if you can’t work due to illness or injury.

Salary is generally taken to be the salary you were being paid at the date you stopped receiving salary on account of your illness or injury.

When are Disability Income Benefits not payable?


  • For periods off work of less than 5 consecutive business days
  • If you still have any available sick leave
  • If you are eligible for workers’ compensation
  • If you recover, reach age 60 or die
  • If your employment terminates
  • For the same disability for more than 18 months in any 3 year period
  • While you are taking annual leave or long service leave (you do not have to exhaust your annual or long service leave to qualify for Disability Income Benefit)
  • If you are able to work in another available position with your employer which offers at least 80% of your previous salary (regardless of whether you take up the alternative position)

There is no waiting period before you can claim, as long as you have exhausted your sick leave. You can access Disability Income Benefit even if you still have annual or long service leave available.

For example, Steve has 1 week’s worth of sick leave but has 8 weeks’ worth of annual leave. He is taking 6 weeks off work after a knee reconstruction. Steve may apply to receive Disability Income Benefit for the period of his recovery after his sick leave has run out (that is, from the 2nd week of his recovery). He doesn’t need to use his annual leave. The sooner Steve contacts us about his upcoming surgery and recovery period, the smoother the process will be for Steve.

You will need to provide ongoing medical evidence that you continue to be unable to work.

To apply for a Disability Income Benefit, contact us at inquiries@electricsuper.com.au. You will need to work with your manager or HR to complete the application.



Cancelling your Disability Income Benefit Cover


If you cancel your Disability Income Benefit Insurance, this will also cancel your Death and TPD Cover.

If you then wish to re-apply for cover at a later time, you will need to provide health evidence and be underwritten before any cover is available.

Thinking of rolling your super?

If you’re thinking about moving your super from between funds, make sure you think about your insurance first.

Before you roll your super from another fund to ElectricSuper, make sure you aren’t giving up insurance or other benefits with your other fund. If you need to have Death, TPD insurance and Disability Income Benefit (income protection) insurance with ElectricSuper, ensure that your insurance is in place with ElectricSuper before you roll your other account and close it.

Not sure what insurance you have with ElectricSuper? Contact us to find out.

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