ElectricSuper was established for people working in the electricity supply industry in South Australia.

But we know that life changes and there are opportunities around every corner. While you might be working in the industry now, it may not be forever.

Just because your job changes, it doesn’t mean that your super has to.

Keep your super with ElectricSuper

Not only can you keep your super with us when you leave the industry, but your new employer can make contributions to ElectricSuper for you. You can also keep contributing with your own money. It means you can continue to get all the benefits of ElectricSuper, including no admin fees, competitive investment options and access to Death, TPD and Disability Income Benefit (income protection) insurance.

It also means your super stays together, which is one less thing to worry about.

How do I stay?

Easy! Give your new employer your ElectricSuper account details to get your contributions coming in. Use your my.Gov.au account to advise your new employers of ElectricSuper’s details:

  1. Visit the Employment menu
  2. Select New employment
  3. Complete the Super details section

Alternatively, you can give your new employer the Standard Choice of Fund form to get your contributions coming in

Your member number will stay the same and you can still log into the secure area of the website to view your super details 24/7. Your insurance cover will probably change, but you can view your new insurance details in the secure area of the website.

If you are in an older-style defined benefit scheme (such as Division 2 Lump Sum, Division 3 Pension or Division 4 Retirement Gratutities (RG) Scheme), simply choose to ‘Retain in Division 5’ on your benefit payment form.

How can I get my new employer to pay into ElectricSuper?

It’s easy.

Give your new employer your ElectricSuper account details to get your contributions coming in. Use your my.Gov.au account to advise your new employers of ElectricSuper’s details:

  1. Visit the Employment menu
  2. Select New employment
  3. Complete the Super details section

Or you can hand them the hard-copy version of the form. Grab it here: Standard Choice of Fund form

You can also provide them the Compliance Letter to make it even more straightforward.

Anything else?

Actually, yes, now you mention it. Make sure your contact details with us are up-to-date when you leave your electricity employer. By making sure we have the right email address to reach you, you’ll continue to receive updates and news from us.

Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.