When you or your family go through a major change, there are steps you can take towards a financially secure future. The first step to ensuring you and your family’s financial security is setting financial goals. What your goals are will depend on the future you see for yourself. Things to consider include how many children you might want, owning your own home, overseas holidays and professional development. By setting clear financial goals, you can start working to achieve them.


Organising your finances in a marriage is an important part of planning your life together. How to split your assets, who should pay for which bills, and whether you should own a joint account are all questions to answer early on to make your lives easier in the long run.  

Starting a family

Initial and long-term costs of starting a family should all be considered when setting your financial goals. These costs include everything from nursery set up and child care to education, upsizing your home or buying a new car. Consider any reduction in income you may experience during this time if either you or your partner take time off work.

Setting a new budget that accounts for these changes can help to reduce uncertainty around your future and give your family much needed financial security.

If you are taking maternity leave or other unpaid leave, you can continue to make contributions to your super. In fact, if you are in Division 2, 3 or 4 (the defined benefit schemes), it may be of value to you as it helps maintain your death and disability insurance benefits.

If you take leave at half pay, your entitlements will be affected. See our Contributions page for more information.

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How can I plan for my future?

As well as setting financial goals, there are additional steps you can take to help prepare for the future and ensure your family’s financial security.

Spouse Membership

Open an account for your spouse so they can enjoy the ElectricSuper benefits of low fees, great investment performance and optional extras. When your spouse is a member, their employer can pay their super into this account and you can help grow their balance by contributing to their account as easily as to your own.

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It’s important to start planning for your long-term future as early as possible. Through extra contributions, you can start growing your super to maintain your current lifestyle in retirement. Learn about the contribution methods and find out which one is best for you.

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(Division 5 members only)

Increase your insurance cover by one level without a health check when you have a child.

If your level of debt or expenses increases, you may wish to review your insurance options to make sure you’re fully covered. If something happens to you and you are unable to work, will your insurance be enough to pay your outgoing expenses?

Download the form below to make changes to your insurance cover without a health check.

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As people come into your life, you may wish to review who you want to receive your super balance and relevant benefits if something happens to you. You can’t always know what’s around the corner but you can do your best to make things easier for your loved ones in the future by nominating beneficiaries today.

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What our members say

“I gained a better understanding of my current superannuation position, other superannuation products available to me & general retirement options.”

My life changes

As your life changes, you may wish to make changes to your options to protect your family and secure your finances. Major life events such as getting married, having a child, taking out a mortgage or turning a milestone age may all be reasons for you to consider your options.

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