My options

When you retire from the workforce, you can access your super as a regular income stream or as a lump sum withdrawal, or a combination of both. If you are still working, you can also access an income stream from your super while you are transitioning to retirement. When deciding how you want to access your savings, you should consider your personal circumstances and what works best for you.

Retirement income stream

If you’ve reached age 60 and retired from employment, opening a Retirement Income Stream allows you to keep your balance in an account with us, and continue as an ElectricSuper member. Regular payments are made to your nominated bank account. These payments are tax free. You can choose how often you want to receive payments and you have the option to make additional lump sum withdrawals on top.

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Transition to retirement

If you’ve reached age 60, you can access your super even while you’re still working. This means, for example, that you could reduce your working hours and still get the same take-home pay. And because you’re still working, you can keep contributing to your super balance.

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For help managing your super and your membership

When can I start income payments?

Even though you can access your super on retirement (from as early as age 55 under ElectricSuper rules), you must be over the age of 60 years old to commence an income stream using your ElectricSuper benefits.

What's next?

How much will I need?

Find out how much you’re likely to need to enjoy the lifestyle you want in retirement.


Enjoy your retirement by focusing on your wellbeing as well as your finances.


Should the worst happen, you can make sure that your super is paid according to your wishes by making a valid beneficiary nomination (and keeping it up-to-date).  It also makes things a little easier for your loved ones at a stressful time.  Even if you die with a valid will, the ElectricSuper Board can only consider the terms of your will, they are not bound to follow it.

What our members say

“I gained a better understanding of my current superannuation position, other superannuation products available to me & general retirement options.”


Our first priority is helping you reach your financial goals so you can enjoy retirement. We’re here to help you manage your options, ensuring that you always get the most out of your super. With low fees and great investment returns, you can be confident that your super is in the best shape.

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Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.