Depending on your age and situation, there are many options available to get more money into your super.

All of these types of contributions have different positives and negatives, depending on your particular situation. Learn more details about the different types and if they might work for you using the resources linked from this page.

Different types of contributions include:

  • Salary sacrifice
  • Regular post-tax, or after-tax, contributions through your payroll
  • One-off contributions from your bank account
  • Spouse contributions
  • Splitting contributions with your spouse
  • Downsizer contributions (available if you are 55 years old or older)*
  • Government co-contribution (available to low income earners)*

A great place to start to learn more could be our Types of Contributions webpage.


*Conditions and eligibility criteria apply. Please see the ATO for more information.

Vary your contribution

If you already make contributions to your super and want to change the amount, or if are about to get started making contributions and you already know how you want to contribute, use our quick form.

Fill in the details and send it directly to your payroll team for action.

Vary your contribution

How making extra contributions can make a difference

What difference can 2% make?

Small differences now can make a big difference by the time you get to retirement. Read more about the difference just a couple of percent can make.

Do you have enough?

Use our quick ready reckoner to discover if you have the amount of super right now to put you on the track to a ‘comfortable retirement’.

If you don’t have enough, or if you’d like to have a wealthier retirement than merely ‘comfortable’, there are lots of other tips on this page to help you get more money into super.

Do you have enough?

Are you on track?

It’s one thing to know how much you might have at retirement, but do you know what that lump sum dollar value at retirement means for your retirement lifestyle? Find out!

Forms and page links

Here are some of the forms and other resources that might be useful as you think about adding to your super.

Want to access our other forms, pages and calculators? See the Forms and Publications page.

The Australian Taxation Office website is also a great resource for information on super limits and the taxation and penalties that may apply if you breach the limits. Use their search bar to find information on ‘contributions’ and more.


You can roll other super into your ElectricSuper account using your myGov account


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