Contact Details

Electricity Industry Superannuation Board as Trustee of the Electricity Industry Superannuation Scheme ABN 57 923 283 236 USI  57 923 283 236 000

Write to us

ElectricSuper Reply Paid 92978 (no stamp required) Melbourne VIC 3001


GPO Box 4303, Melbourne VIC 3001


1300 307 844 If calling from overseas, +61 3 8306 0979

Financial Planners (and third party authorities)

Email to Or post to GPO Box 4303, Melbourne VIC 3001 Find more information on our Financial Adviser page


Queries relating to ElectricSuper insurance claims: or mail us ElectricSuper Level 1, 89 Pirie Street Adelaide SA 5000 or phone/email your Case Manager.

Family Law matters

By post to address above, or email to

Language assistance

We can help you in a number of languages. To use our translation service, simply request to use a translator when you call the Helpline.

Make an appointment

To meet us at either your worksite or at the Trustee Office at Hub Australia, Level 1, 89 Pirie Street, Adelaide.

To make a complaint

Contact the ElectricSuper Complaints Officer at Level 1, 89 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000, or at the above email address or phone number.

We will work hard to respond to your complaint as soon as possible, however, please understand that some complaints will take longer than others due to their complexity and the information we need to collect to consider your complaint fully. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint within 45 days (or 90 days for a complaint about the distribution of a death benefit). If we cannot resolve your complaint in that time, we will contact you to advise of the progress of your complaint.

External dispute resolution

If you have already made a complaint to us and you are not satisfied with the response, then you have the option to refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). There are specified timeframes that apply to lodging a complaint with AFCA. Their website provides more information about the timeframes that apply. AFCA can be contacted at:

Phone:  1800 931 678
Or by mail to:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne   VIC   3001

For more details about referring a complaint to AFCA, how AFCA handle complaints, and time limits that may apply please contact AFCA directly.

Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.