Contact Details
Electricity Industry Superannuation Board as Trustee of the Electricity Industry Superannuation Scheme ABN 57 923 283 236 USI 57 923 283 236 000
Write to us
ElectricSuper Reply Paid 92978 (no stamp required) Melbourne VIC 3001
GPO Box 4303, Melbourne VIC 3001
1300 307 844 If calling from overseas, +61 3 8306 0979
Email us
Financial Planners (and third party authorities)
Email to Or post to GPO Box 4303, Melbourne VIC 3001 Find more information on our Financial Adviser page
Queries relating to ElectricSuper insurance claims: or mail us ElectricSuper Level 1, 89 Pirie Street Adelaide SA 5000 or phone/email your Case Manager.
Family Law matters
By post to address above, or email to
Language assistance
We can help you in a number of languages. To use our translation service, simply request to use a translator when you call the Helpline.