Our members can enjoy...

Our range of options and services help our members grow their super and prepare them for a rewarding retirement lifestyle.

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For help with managing your options and growing your super.

What part of ElectricSuper am I in?

On the front of your member benefit statement you receive every year, it tells you what part of ElectricSuper you are in.

ElectricSuper is organised in 4 parts (known as Divisions). These each have different benefits based on different rules.

This is important as it affects what you can get from ElectricSuper in exchange for what you put in. What applies to one part (or Division) often doesn’t apply to others (though it may).

Which part (or Division) of ElectricSuper you are in depends on when you joined the electricity industry and other factors.

ElectricSuper Divisions

ElectricSuper divisions are referred to by the following names:

  • Division 2 or the Lump Sum Scheme – most people who joined between 1988 and 1999
  • Division 3 or the Pension Scheme – many people who joined before 1988
  • Division 4 or the RG Scheme – the others who joined before 1988
  • Division 5 or the Accumulation Scheme – anyone who has joined since privatisation and others who joined before 2000

The member booklet which sets out the features of each Division can be downloaded from the Forms & Publications section of this website.

Forms & publications

Information on Request

ElectricSuper can provide you with further information on our operations as well as answering your general questions. Information available on request includes a copy of:

  • ElectricSuper’s Trust Deed
  • Relevant extracts from ElectricSuper’s Rules
  • The latest audited ElectricSuper accounts and Annual Report, and
  • ElectricSuper’s enquiries and complaints procedure.

All of the above documents can be inspected at the ElectricSuper office during normal business hours by appointment.

Find out more

Find out more about your account from your annual member statement. Your latest member statement is available for download by logging in and following the link under ‘Member statements’ on the ‘Your super amount’ page.

Give us a call today on 1300 307 844 to discuss your options or make an appointment to visit us.

What our members say

“I gained a better understanding of my current superannuation position, other superannuation products available to me & general retirement options.”

Further information

Protection and Indemnity of the Board

The members of the Board are indemnified out of the ElectricSuper assets for all expenses and liabilities which they personally incur in administering ElectricSuper.

However, this does not include liabilities arising from a Board member’s personal fraud or wilful misconduct, wilful neglect or wilful default.

Trustee indemnity insurance

The Board takes out trustee indemnity insurance to protect itself, the individual Board members and ElectricSuper assets to the fullest extent possible. The cost of this insurance is paid from ElectricSuper assets.

Changes to the Rules

The Board may change the Rules. Employer approval is required if any change will increase the employers’ liability


About us

We are a not-for-profit industry superannuation scheme for employees in the electricity supply industry and their spouses. Find out more about us and meet the people running our organisation, working to give you the best possible returns.

Learn more

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Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

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