5-10+ years before retirement, what should you be thinking about? A notebook has a pen and hourglass on it.

Speak to us

We can’t give you advice, but we can give you all the facts to help you make the most informed decision for yourself.

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Check your super

What is your current super balance? What amount ‘should’ you have now to achieve your retirement goals?

Try the Super Guru Super Detective Calculator if you are in the Accumulation Scheme to see. If you are behind, does your super need a boost?

Read more about the types of contributions you could consider.

If you are in a Defined Benefit Scheme, how are your points tracking?

Are you keeping track of all your super? Check my.Gov.au for any lost super. Consider rolling other super over to reduce fees (but check you aren’t losing any benefit with your other fund first!).

Check your general finances

Do you have debts to pay down? Are you planning to pay them off with some of your super benefit?

Will you have a mortgage at retirement? Do you plan to pay that down with your super benefit at retirement? And do you know what that might mean for your lifestyle in retirement?

Our video will help you get started thinking about your options if you still have a mortgage at retirement.

Speak to your partner

Are you in agreement on retirement plans? What are their retirement plans?


The words "3 years before retirement" appear in front of an out of focus calendar

Speak to us

Check that you are still on top of all the options available to you. What seemed best for you when you were many years from retirement might not be the best option now.

Book your free appointment

Check your super

Check you are on track to achieve your retirement balance goals. If not, what steps can you take to boost your super?

View your account

Learn about the different ways you can contribute to your super

Make some lifestyle and leisure plans

Make a list of suggestions for yourself on how you’d like to spend your time.

Are there activities you could take up now to make the transition into retirement easier for you?


The words "1 year before retirement" appear in front of an out of focus photo of a diary and a glass jar of coloured pens

Speak to us

Check in to make sure you are still on top of all the options available to you, in line with the current rules and legislation.

Book your free appointment

Consider your options

Will you need to set up an income stream to draw a regular income from your super as soon as you retire? Or do you have other income you plan to live off at first?

Remember, speaking to us will help you understand your options and how an Income Stream using some or all of your super balance may work for you.

Could you transition to retirement and use your super to support your lifestyle while you’re still working?

Make some lifestyle and leisure plans

Make a list of suggestions for yourself on how you’d like to spend your time.

Are there activities you could take up now to make the transition into retirement easier for you?

If you plan to travel, consider booking to secure early-bird prices (but check cancellation and refund clauses). Stay on top of the current vaccination requirements.

What leave entitlements do you have?

Speak to your HR team to find out what leave entitlements you have and consider if you want to take leave in your lead up to retirement or would rather be paid out the entitlements in cash?

Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.