Going back to work after you’re retired

Even after you’ve retired from work, you may be able to put money back into your super. Of course, like everything with super, how much and how you do it will depend on your situation.

If you retired and claimed your super benefit and you’re now returning to work, you can still continue to access your benefit. You’ll just need to establish a new accumulation-style account for your new contributions to go into.

Older than 60 when you retired

If you were older than 60 when you retired and triggered what’s known as a ‘condition of release’ at the time, such as ceasing an employment arrangement at or after age 60, there are no issues with restarting a new accumulation-style account for your new contributions. You will keep receiving your previous benefits, just as you have been since you started claiming them.

Under 60 when you retired

However, if you were under 60 when you left work and declared to us that you were retiring never to work again, you’ll need to confirm for us that your situation has changed and that you’re required to go back to work.

You might also need to prove to the ATO that you were genuine in your retirement plans when you retired the first time around. But it is possible to do.

Then we can help you set up a new accumulation account and get your contributions from your new job rolling in.

Working past 75

If you’re 75 or older and you’re going back to work, we can accept the super guarantee payments from your employer or any industrial award super that applies and downsizer contributions, but no other contribution types, such as personal contributions from you. This is regardless of how much you’re working.

Piggy bank in the foreground with a laptop computer behind and someone's hand working on the computer

Access your super when you retire

When you retire, you might have savings or a spouse’s income to live on for a while. You don’t have to access your super money the minute you walk out of work for the last time.

Or you might need to access your super money as income straight away. Everyone is different!

Talk to us

Make a time to meet with us a couple of months before you retire. We can chat through your options with you. It will support you to make the most informed decision that works best for you.

You can book an appointment online or over the phone at a time and place that suits you.

Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.