In times of severe financial hardship, your super may be able to help. If you are uncertain about your financial options, we can discuss them with you and direct you to any services you need.

How can my super help?

In very limited circumstances, you may be eligible to access your super early if you are experiencing severe financial hardship where you are unable to pay reasonable and immediate family living expenses.

The type of expenses that may be considered as part of a financial hardship claim are set by government legislation.


Eligibility conditions are also set by government legislation.

If you have not yet reached your preservation age, have been receiving an income support payment for at least 26 weeks, and do not get ABSTUDY, Austudy or Youth Allowance, you may be eligible for an early super release.

If you are over your preservation age but are not retired, you may be eligible if you have been receiving income support payment for at least 39 weeks in total since reaching age 60 (or at least 39 weeks in total since reaching preservation age).

You can read more about the eligibility conditions on the Early Release page. Then, for more information and to request an application form, contact ElectricSuper on 1300 307 844 or

Read about Early Release

What our members say

“I gained a better understanding of my current superannuation position, other superannuation products available to me & general retirement options.”

My life changes

As your life changes, you may wish to make changes to your options to protect your family and secure your finances. Major life events such as getting married, having a child, taking out a mortgage or turning a milestone age may all be reasons for you to consider your options.

Learn more

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