Talk to an expert for help growing your super

Book a meeting with a superannuation expert, completely free of charge.

Whether you’ve just joined the workforce or you’re planning for retirement, we’ve made it our mission to help you make the most of your super. For no cost, we can visit you at your workplace, or you can come in to our Adelaide office, and we will provide you with expert guidance and answer your questions.

Book a meeting

If the above button doesn’t work, please email us at to book an appointment.

How we can help

Let us guide you through your journey with super, helping you take control of your future.

Do you have any questions? We can help you answer all these, and more.

  • How much can I contribute
  • Which contribution method is right for me?
  • How much will I need?
  • Am I on track for retirement?

Your super fund for life

We are a not-for-profit industry superfund. This means our members are always our first priority. Let us guide you through your journey with super to ensure you reach your financial goals now and in retirement.

Don’t miss out on this benefit of membership

Make the most of your membership with us when you book a free meeting with a superannuation expert.

Note that we are not financial planners.

Meet our Team

Our Member Services team are always out and about meeting members, helping you understand more about your super.

Once you’ve booked your meeting, watch our short (<2 minute) video to learn more about the team and the services we can help you with.

Watch the video

Come and talk to us

Get your super sorted with a face to face consultation.

No cost. Start growing your super today.